Why do you need to buy 1 travelling system for your child?

travelling system: You are an adult and can drive a bike or a car. But, what about infants and toddlers? They too like to take a ride. But, they are too young to adventure. So, you can buy them a stroller. If you are taking them along in a car, use baby car seats for their safety.

Where to buy the baby car seat or a stroller? You cannot compromise on the quality as it is a matter of your child’s safety. There are 2 scenarios to consider in this regard.

In one case, you have general manufacturers. By that, it means that a single manufacturer is selling products for kids, youngsters, and adults at the same time. It means that they are not focused on a single category. So, in most cases, there is a high probability that you will buy a low-quality product. The other scenario is the manufacturer that only sells kid’s products. Here, you can expect high-quality products because they are determined to satisfy kids’ needs. As this blog topic addresses kids’ travelling system, so let’s talk about it in detail.

Kid’s Travelling System

Where ever you travel, you have to take children along with you. It is risky for a toddler or an infant to travel. Sometimes, you have to travel by local transport and maybe you will have to walk a long distance. So, it is important to buy a kid’s travelling system. What does it contain? It has a stroller for pedestrian travel and it also has a car seat. You can buy individual products separately. While some manufacturers offer a competitive traveling system pack. It is advised to buy a traveling system instead of buying products individually.

Where to buy the traveling system?

The best kid’s product manufacturer is ‘NUNA’. The company is solely focused on kids’ needs. They allow their customers to buy from their online store as well. Moreover, they offer a wide range of products at the most reasonable prices. You can buy anything you need for your child at their store. The Travelling system at Nuna consists of Nuna strollers and nuna car seats. There are 3 different stroller designs available. You may choose any that fits your needs.

Nuna Travelling System

The weight of the traveling system is 7.9 lbs and it is among the hot selling products. Whether your child is big or small in size and age, it will fit the traveling system. It consists of 2 of their main products, TAVO, and PIPA. TAVO helps you to avoid adaptors and you manage baby traveling with a single click. When you have folded the traveling system, you can carry it as a luggage bag. Moreover, it has a customized eyeshade, a spacious seat to fit any age child (infant to toddlers), and also a removable infant insert.

PIPA offers side-impact safety protection and a five-seconds True lock base installation. It also has a removable complete coverage UP 50+ and an eyeshade.

Nuna PIPA Car Seat

Car seat base installations are preferred as they are more traveling-friendly. If your infant weighs between 4 lbs. to 32 lbs. and is up to 32 inches tall, you can buy this. The weight of the car seat is 14 lbs. You may choose between the plastic and steel versions.

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