The Functions of Database Storage Management

This article discusses essential functions of database storage management: Create, Initialize, Maintain, and Deliver. You should be familiar with these functions and know how they work together to provide you with the information you need. In addition, you should know the differences between the tasks and how they can work together to ensure that you get the most out of your investment. Here’s how each one can benefit your business. Database Storage

Create database storage

Once you have installed the Database, you will need to configure the database to optimize storage and performance. There are several ways to do this, such as creating multiple tablespaces for different data types. Distributing data across multiple tablespaces is one way to optimize storage by placing frequently accessed data on more expensive disks and infrequently retrieved data on cheaper disks. Click Create Tablespace and select a new tablespace or an existing one, then click Customize.

Database Control like that of provides storage management functionality by providing space usage alerts for each tablespace. These alerts let you know whether the tablespace space is entire or low. For example, some database users, groups, and applications may want to keep application data in a separate database. This way, they can quickly recover offline without affecting other database applications. You can also automatically extend a tablespace, assuming it has not been extended before.


The first step in initializing your database storage management functions is to create a tablespace. Then it would help if you named your tablespace. In addition to its name, you need to provide a database name. After that, you need to specify the number of tablespaces. You can create more than one tablespace if necessary. You can even create a single tablespace that replicates multiple existing ones. Then you can initialize database storage management functions.

You can also enable the Database File initialization feature. To enable this feature, you need to have the SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_NAME privilege. You can assign this privilege to other users in the system. You can set this privilege by editing the Local Security Policy applet. If you do not have this privilege, you need to change the corresponding permissions. In the case of the Database File, you can enable the feature only if you need it.


Many companies do not plan for their database storage and tend to store redundant data. Now, with disk space being less expensive, companies are less concerned with what they store and how to remove duplicated data. When choosing a storage space, companies should analyze the data to ensure that it is valid and does not contain errors. This means identifying the data that needs to be deleted and storing only those. In addition, if you are a DBA, you should perform periodic database backups.

Performing regular database maintenance tasks is essential because it helps you reduce downtime and protect data from loss. You need accurate data to do data science and AI projects, and this means that your databases must be appropriately maintained. Inefficient data storage leads to high storage costs and data inaccuracy, leading to costly issues. It is also a risk for your business’s security if inaccurate data. Maintaining databases also ensures that your information is accessible to all parties.


As a data manager, you have to know how to deliver the five functions of database storage management. These are initialization, database structure, data scalability, and performance. Data structures are the blueprints of your database and help you optimize how to store and retrieve information in your database. There are also specialized DBMS interfaces that allow bulk insert data into your database. Finally, as the database grows, you’ll need to perform regular maintenance and tuning.

Data breaches and hacker attacks are common, and hackers’ methods are becoming more innovative. Therefore, your data needs to be secure and available in real-time. In addition, database administrators must monitor for problems and apply software patches and upgrades to ensure a stable, reliable database. Sometimes this requires hiring additional employees. Delivering these functions is a complex task. But with the right tools, your DBMS can be an invaluable asset. You can achieve all of these by using a DBMS.

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