Water Tanks
Rain water tanks are one of the most important parts of harvesting rainwater. Rainwater harvesting is the hype in this environment-conscious world. Due to various reasons, like drinking, irrigation, livestock etc., it has become important to save rainwater. However, the fact is that there has been a rapid rise in the use and demand of water tanks.
Know the basic characteristics of rainwater harvesting:
These Stormwater detention tanks play an important role in rainwater harvesting. The key characteristics of rainwater conservation are as follows: It is one of the most important methods of saving water in an eco-friendly way. Water Tanks
Rainwater can be used for a variety of purposes, including aquifers, irrigation, livestock, and replenishment. There are various procedures of collecting water in natural ways such as ground water, tents and institutions, house roofs etc. for drinking and various other uses.
The key feature is that it is the main source of drinking water.
There are many ways of rainwater conservation in both complex and easy manner
Check out some different ways of saving rainwater in tanks:
Groundwater recharge:
The main objective of rainwater conservation is to provide clear and healthy drinking water. Therefore, it is one of the best ways to have safe water. Water Tanks
Ground catchments system:
It is ideal for areas where rain or water is scarce. You can save water through a proper water channel made in the ground.
Roof catchments system:
This is another important way of storing rainwater. In this, you can use a water tank in the ground and connect it to a proper channel to have clean rainwater.
Steel Tanks vs. Poly Tanks
Manufacturers use either Galvanized that is coated with zinc, Zincalume, a combination of silicone, zinc and aluminium and a variant of Zincalume called Color bond for making tanks of steel whereas they use polyethene food grade plastic for making tanks of poly. Both types of tanks come in variety of sizes and have multiple uses. Let us find out the basic difference between the two:
Tanks of steel are heavy and you need a crane to shift or move them whereas tanks of poly are lightweight and mobile.
Tanks made of steel store more than 50,000 litres of water; however, tanks made of poly reach their limit of 50,000 litres. Therefore, if you have vast requirements, you can opt for either a single tank of steel or two tanks of poly.
It is difficult to install tanks made of steel as compared to Poly tanks. Delivery charges for tanks made of poly will be less than that for steel tanks.
As tanks made of poly are UV stabilized, they will not rust or corrode. Tanks of steel, although galvanized corrode but are much stronger and the Ultra Violet rays of the sun do not affect them. Tanks made of steel are stronger in terms of torrential fire or fire while poly tanks melt in case they catch fire. For any help on OSD Tanks also, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find rainwater tanks easily.